Are you turning out the lights at your place tonight for Earth Hour 2014?
It is fabulous to see that this has caught on world-wide to encourage people to turn off lights for an hour tonight from 8:30pm and take a stand for conservation and climate change. In Australia this year we are focussing on saving our Great Barrier Reef for future generations by slowing down climate changes that will destroy the reef.
A special documentary has been created for this event and you can view it today on Channel 10 at 4:30pm. It documents how the reef needs our help and was filmed on location. If you register for Earth Hour you can also download the documentary.
At our place we are actually going to have two Earth Hours. 8:30pm is after bedtime for our kids, so we are going to have lights out for an hour with them earlier in the evening. They love having candles instead of lights but we will certainly take the opportunity to talk to them about why we are turning out the lights and how this can help our planet.
I’ve even done a little crafting so we have pretty candles. These are super quick – about 20 minutes to make – so here’s the photo tutorial.
Now to find some board games to play with the kids by candlelight… maybe Sequence or Creationary!