I had the most lovely day earlier this week! A Sewing Day!
Every now and again the stars align and I manage my time to make a day like this happen.
A day when I can just sew all day. Heaven!
As I sew I think a lot and I came up with 5 tips that will help you to make a sewing day – or quilting day or scrapbooking day or lying-in-bed-with-a-book day! – happen for you too.
5 Tips to make it happen
1. Choose your day
I always choose a day when the kids are at school, I don;t have to go to work and I don;t have any appointments or errands that must be done that day. By picking my day a week or so in advance I can usually make sure I do all my errands and grocery shopping on other days leaving that one free.
2. Catch up the Chores
Once I have picked my day – even if it is tomorrow – I then make sure I have everything done in advance that I possibly can. I make sure the washing, folding and ironing is up to date. I make sure I’ve done the grocery shopping and I have the dinner planned. I run any errands that are waiting. I basically make sure that I’ve done all the things that I might possibly be distracted by on the day or might suddenly feel guilty about not having done. I find I can’t concentrate and enjoy my sewing day if I’m feeling like I should be doing something else.

3. Plan the projects
I try to know in advance exactly which projects I want to work on. That way I don;t waste time deciding that morning. This week I had a table runner to create and a mini quilt to spray baste so I can do those at the same time, cutting pieces while I wait for the basting spray to get tacky enough to stick. I often find I have a couple of projects in various stages that I can do alongside eah other. Perhaps cutting fabric for a couple of projects while I have the table clear and the ironing board set up to press, or chain piecing multiple quilt blocks at the machine, or setting up the machine with the extension table for quilting and quilting a couple of quilts one after the other.
4. Spread out in your favourite space
My sewing machine and craft stuff all live in one room but when I have a sewing day, I spread out in the living room, windows wide open, music playing, ironing board in one corner and kitchen table cleared to work on with chairs moved out the way so I can cut fabric. This is my favourite room in our house – big and airy and bright – so I enjoy working in this space when I can. Find your spot to work for the day and set yourself up to make things easy for the day. You will achieve so much more that way.
5. Don’t get sidetracked
The biggest temptation for me is to get on my computer and write or get distracted by social media instead of sewing. I just always want to share! But in order to have a productive day and make the most of my sewing time, I moved my devices away to another room so I wasn’t tempted by them. Try to identify what might distract you and decide how much you want to be distracted so you can minimise the opportunity.

Bonus Tip: Enjoy your Day!
One you’re all set and get to spend a day sewing, enjoy it! I had such a lovely day and was so pleased with the progress I made on a couple of projects.
If you manage to organise yourself a sewing day soon, make sure you pop in and let me know. I’d like to think I’ve helped you get ready. I’d love to know how it goes or whether you have any more tips.

Thanks for these great tips. I am eager to get back to sewing after a 3 week trip but unpacking and cleaning is standing in my way. With your inspiration maybe I can motivate myself to tackle the chores so I can clear a day for sewing.
The tips are quite helpful. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who gets caught up in the quilting blogs and quilter chat instead of cutting fabric or some other useful quilting fun. It takes real discipline to not get caught up in other “chores” that can really be off until tomorrow. Thanks helpful hints.
Love it. Especially the idea that I may one day be up-to-date with my washing and ironing!
Great tips, Thanks!
I hope I can plan one soon, sounds like the perfect way to spend the day!!
I think I’m feeling a cold coming on..or that’s what I’ll tell my boss! 😉
I find sewing such a relaxing meditation. thanks for the insightful post.