Today I’d like to welcome Simon from Overlocker Guide to teach us all about troubleshooting our overlocker or serger because there is nothing more frustrating than wanting to sew with your overlocker and coming up against a problem!
When you are new to using your overlocker or serger, you can come across problems that, without understanding how to fix them, may grind your crafting to a halt. Overlock sewing machines can be quite tricky to use in the beginning, but with a little knowledge and understanding, you can avoid many of the common frustrations.
Let me share some handy tips for troubleshooting the most common issues that happen when you are new to using an overlocker.
Unthreading Needles
This is one of the most common problems you will come across, and it can happen to one or both of your needles. When you are trying to thread the needle and then it becomes unthreaded, it can ruin your focus and be very irritating. The important thing is to not worry more than necessary about this.
What To Do:
You need to make sure before you begin to stitch that you thread the needle with a few inches of thread on the other side of it – a tail, if you like. You need to keep in mind that the needle is going to move up as it starts to sew so there needs to be a tail of thread that is long enough to not pull out when the needle moves up.
CraftyMummy Tip: I often use my overlocker tweezers to pull the thread through at the back where it is hard to get my fingers in.
Fabric Not Staying Still
Another common issue is that the fabric keeps jumping or shifting when you try to stitch. If this is happening, it could be that you forgot to lower the presser foot.
What To Do:
The presser foot is there to keep the fabric in place while you to stitch it. This foot also helps to ensure that the fabric remains straight and the blade can cut it off correctly. You need to remember to lower the presser foot as you put the fabric in to keep it straight and make your stitches neat and tidy.

Uneven Stitching
When you have uneven stitches that haven’t been finished correctly, it can spoil the entire project. If you want to ensure that the stitches are stitched properly and look neat and tidy, you need to make sure the thread tension is appropriate.
What To Do:
You can do this by adjusting the tension dials. It could be that you need to do some trial and error until you find just the right tension setting for your fabric. Just be patient and you will find it eventually.
The Looper Unthreading
It can be very frustrating if you have tried your best to follow the instructions to the letter but either the top or bottom looper becomes unthreaded. As impossible as it may seem, this can easily happen. There are fairly easy ways to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
What To Do:
First of all, you need to make sure you thread your overlocker in order according to the manual. Next, if you got a pair of tweezers with your machine – those special ones that have bent ends – you can use those to pass your thread through the loopers when you are threading. It may be that for your particular machine you need to thread the start of the looper, pass the thread through the machine and use the balance wheel to get the other end of the looper showing.
On a general note
Keep in mind that overlockers and sergers can also suffer from some of the same problems that normal sewing machines do (like gathering lint, requiring new needles, or needing oil) so make sure you check those basics too. Find some tips for troubleshooting your sewing machine here.
Although these problems are only relatively small ones, if you are new to using an overlock sewing machine or don’t have a lot of experience yet, these issues can cause huge obstructions for you. These frustrations can make it less enjoyable – and let’s face it, most of us bought an overlocker to make our sewing easier and quicker! When you are aware of the possible problems and know how to rectify them, you are all set to enjoy your overlocker and create gorgeous projects.
Thank you to Simon from Overlocker Guide for the helpful tips. Take a look at Simon’s website dedicated entirely to overlockers for more tips.

My overloaded seems to be feeding the needle thread backwards. It is feeding it from the end not the spool. What has happened to it. It was fine.
my overlocker threads are not locking together any ideas on how to fix this problem ? its only a few days old and iv rethreaded it , its an elna 792d please help me im desperate
I just had this problem, & when it did stitch it was all bunched up & then started breaking threads , I suggest firstly retreading the whole machine, change the needles as well, then change all your dials back to 0, & gradually turn your dials till u get the best result, took me all evening then half the morning but I fell me & my machine r one now! Lol, good luck & walk away for a while & do something else if it gets to u, going back refreshed is a good thing????
The wheel is stuck on my overlocker.It wont turn at all.
My overlocker does not like to sew across a seam. It balks and does not want to feed over it. If I try to force through by pulling from behind or urging it through from the front, the stitches become irregular, making it not look nice. What can I do about this? I asked on some FB groups and fprums I am on. While lots of people have this issue, no one had any solutions for making it sew over them well.
Take it slow or even stop & turn your wheel by hand till you’re over your humpy bit
My serger is not looping I have threaded as per manual but it is not looping at all machine has been threated as per manual HELP!
When using my serger, it appears to be sewing properly, however when you open the seam it appears that the seam is not sewn securely and it will come apart.
I have a Janome 7034D overlocker serger. I have re-threaded it several times. done everything I can find to do. When I sew there are two straight lines on the top. No overlocking stitch. The bottom stitches are loose, but look like a serger stitching. Help.
What does it mean when the looped stitches extend beyond the edge of the fabric. It’s like they are looping in mid-air. I am using one straight-stitch needle and an overlock width of about 1/4″. It is a simple Singer serger. There must be an adjustment I’m missing.
Why is one of the needles on my overlocker becoming unthreaded. I am sewing the overlocker like usual and then one needle becomes unthreaded but the machine is still sewing
Thank You
My serger fell now is not even turning on is it done for please say no
My overlocker is not looping
Have threaded the machine several times replaced the needle the required needle for the overlocker
I have been using this machine for years so not a new machine
The m aching is a Bernette for Benin’s Funlock 004D
Thanking you in anticipation
I have a janome serger. I have not used for a while, but now the machine seems to be jammed up
as the wheel/arm is not turning
I have a globe overlocker yrs old but reliable wanted to use but wheel wont budge for me to start to sew? Oiled part everything but is just stuck turns slightly backwards but nit forward! Desperatly need to use it for few important jobs? Can you assist me please?
I have a baby lock imagine serger. I thread the machine as required. Then I go to sew a little, it makes about 10 stitches before it brakes and then I have to rethread. Any suggestions about what this could be?
I have a Bablock Imagine serger. ( I bought it used and I don’t know how old it is)….. Today I had two problems….The first thing that went wrong was that the upper looper thread broke twice. (It took 20 minutes for the air jet to thread the thread through, and then it broke again! ugh…) Anyway, once I got it threaded again, it worked alright until it started to bunch up my fabric and do satin stitching. What do I do?? Help would be appreciated…thank you!
My Brother 1034D is grabbing the cut fabric and when it does that, it stops serging the fabric.
I have a brother serger 1034D My problem is the needles keep coming unthreaded when I try to sew. I put new needles in and rethreaded it but when I start to sew there is a click or something and the machine doesn’t sew at all and both needles are unthreaded. It isn’t just pulling out from not leaving a fail Any ideas what to do?
My serger, Janome mylock 644d. Was doing great then acted strange like it was hitting something. I meeduately stopped it. The repair guy said it was in a “bind” and he couldn’t fix it. Another repair guy checked it and it runs smooth but won’t make a stitch?
I’ve retreaded. New needles etc. what else is there to do?
I have a SergeMate Companion 5030. I can’t get it to make a loop. I have re-threaded and set to 0. Tried to lower my needle. I can’t find a manual online. It’s been 10 years since I’ve touched any of my machines. This is a 3 thread 1 needle with cutter.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have aJaguar overlocker, which I am learning to use. So far, so good, except!
When I have finished an edge, and lift the pressure foot, I cannot pull the threads away to the left to cut off. They seem to jam.
Any ideas please?
Try lifting the presser foot and turning the fly wheel, Shirley. Just like a sewing machine sometimes the threads can’t be pulled out if the needles are not all the way up.
Hi there.
I have an overlocker but when done my seams aren’t secure and end up coming loose.
How can I fix this problem?
What is the reason for Pfaff overlocker’s wheel that is stuck?
My Singer overlock machine does the chain without the fabric but when I insert the fabric it doesn’t sew.Thanks.
Hi I have a singer surger and all the thread bunches up at the needles . I have no idea what to do can you help me . please help