Check out the quilt tools I use – including my latest favourites. Having the right tools can make your projects so much easier and more fun to make!

When it comes to sewing and quilting, having the right tools can really make your projects easier. It is tempting when you are starting out to just buy the basics but as you get more experience it can be helpful to invest in some extra tools that will suit the type of projects you are making.
Read about my Favourite Sewing Tools here:
Many of these basic sewing tools are also my quilting tools so I won’t go over them again. Click the picture above to pop over and read about those. I’ve recently received some new quilting tools that are kind of cool. I really wanted to share these ones and why I’m loving them.
First up is the Ruler Pal Mini which arrived in the September 2016 SewSampler Box from Fat Quarter Shop. (Pictured above) This is basically a wooden block with slots in the top to sit perspex quilt rulers into. The rulers stand up where you can easily pick them up and see them. I’ve added this stand to the back of my cutting table behind my huge cutting mat (24″ x 36″) and it has created a great cutting station when I’m cutting new fabric.

Another new addition to my cutting tools has been the BlocLoc ruler. I have a 6.5″ square one for cutting Half Square Triangles although I know they come in various sizes. It came in super handy when I was trimming units for this quilt block. They also have rulers for cutting other common quilt units like Flying Geese, Drunkard’s Path and Diamond in a Triangle. The beauty of these rulers are that they have a ridge in them that butts up against the seam fo the pieces to allow very accurate cutting. Find out more about these rulers here.
Finally, ‘Bobbini’ Bobbin Holders may be my newest best friend. These little rubber things keep your bobbins and spools of thread together in pairs. Previously, I’ve had spools in one storage box and bobbins in a little box of their own but I seem to be never able to find the matching pairs when I need them. These clever devices came from the January 2017 QuiltyBox.
Other Quilt Tools I Use:
Cutting Mat – super large 24″ x 36″
Rulers – especially my 12.5″ Square and my 6.5″ x 24″ Rectangle
Rotary Cutter – essential for easy cutting
Embroidery Scissors – beside my machine
Dressmaker’s Scissors – for larger trimming. I find plastic or rubber handles most comfortable.
Clover Clips – for all kinds of little jobs like holding sets of fabric or instead of pins in fabric I’m joining
Flower Head Pins – I love the flat heads
Seam Finger Presser – for when I’m too lazy to go to the ironing board
Read about my Basic Crochet Tools here:

I too have a wooden block with slots in it to hold my rulers. This is one of my top favorite organizers for my different size rulers. Love it!!