Time for another update on the 365 Things I Know project from Instagram.
This is one for the long haul and – not surprisingly! – I have gotten a little behind. But that’s OK. Life is busy and I’m determined to catch up when I can – and not stress about it when I can’t. Meanwhile here are the next ten days.
Find links to all the previous posts at the end.
Day 41
Wynne the Bunny needs a mini ripple blanket – which looks quite pink in this pic but is really red.
Read more about Wynne the Bunny here.
Day 42
All my favourite fabrics are rainbow. These pieces are going to become a new Farmer’s Wife block.
See the finished quilt block here.
Day 43
Valentine’s Day may be hugely commercialised but it still serves to remind us to tell those we love how much we value them. Have you told someone “I Love You” today?
Day 44
Happiness is finding the perfect notebook! Time to start a new bullet journal – really my book of lists and notes all in one place. I’ve been using an A4 notebook for a couple of years now and it is great to know that if I’m looking for something it will always be in one of those notebooks – phone numbers of random tradies, notes from phone conversations, hex codes for my blog colours, social media stats for 2 years at a glance, the name of that book @bbeingcool recommended, all the good stuff all in one place! Notebook from @typoshop
Shop for A4 spiral notebooks here
Day 45
Somewhere along the line, my blog became more than just a hobby and I LOVE that!
You can subscribe to get all my blog posts in your email Inbox here.
Day 46
Sometimes it seems like the chores are endless – but they are also my chance to listen to audio books and podcasts. Do you have a favourite podcast right now?
I always listen to Straight & Curly and Problogger, and my newest find is Side Hustle School.
Day 47
Wynne the Bunny is feeling lonely. She might need a pink & white sister.
See my original Wynne the Bunny here – stay tuned for her sister in pink and white yarn!
Day 48
It feels odd to be cooking dinner at lunchtime but I know it will be so good later in the afternoon when we get home from after school activities. (lamb korma for dinner)
Learn to cook Indian curries on Craftsy
Day 44
This project makes me smile every time!
Read more about this Rainbow Block project here.
Day 50
Some days it does feel like the projects keep me from going nuts! Life is busy and so much of my life as a Mum is spent looking after others. Being creative helps me take time out and refocus on what is important.
Follow me on Instagram, to see this project first hand.