For my friends in other parts of the world, Summer is just around the corner with sunshine and BBQs.
They are packing away the Winter woollies just as I’m pulling them out here in Australia. It was seriously COLD this morning!
But whether it is cold or warming up, I still seem to have a crochet project on the go.
Crocheting a blanket in Winter is perfect for keeping me warm on the couch. But in Summer you can still crochet lighter projects.
When I saw this project I knew it would offer something for everyone. It is designed to be done in Summer cotton – great for those coming into warmer weather – but it could just as easily be created in a heavier yarn for those of us in the cold zone.

I found out about the Ideal Me 30 Day Crochet Challenge and I knew a lot of you would love the idea just as much as I do!
Brittany over at Ideal Me is hosting a month-long online crochet along challenge where you can learn to make a Corner To Corner (C2C) blanket.
It’s made in light squares so it’s the perfect crochet project for a hot summer, but I’ll be making mine in yarn here in Australia where it is getting colder.
What is C2C crochet?
C2C means corner to corner. You work each block of the blanket from one corner to the diagonal corner in rows. The stitches form small squares so the chart looks like a cross stitch chart. Each part of the blanket is crocheted in smaller individual squares before they’re all joined together to become one big, beautiful blanket.
I’ve been wanting to learn this method of crochet for a while now as I’ve seen lots of examples on social media.
The Challenge is finished but you can still learn to make this blanket here.
The reason I like it so much is that it’s part class, part challenge, and part community.
Interested in taking part?
When you sign up you’ll get access to:
1. A Pattern and Step-by-Step Tutorial—professional filmed tutorial video and downloadable pattern for the C2C blanket
2. An Expert Crochet Instructor—Your Instructor will be there to answer questions and help if you get stuck. This is so helpful because you’ll get access to the experienced Instructor all month long!
3. The Ideal Me Crochet Community— you can interact with fellow crochet-aholics to get advice, share project progress, and meet fellow craft lovers
4. The Essential Crochet Skills Video Library— You get lifetime access to this library of crochet skills. It has everything from beginner skills like chaining on & how to keep even tension through to learning specific stitches so you can reference them whenever you need.
Plus, by joining the challenge you can save a lot of money on yarn and tools by using the coupon codes and exclusive discounts available to the crochet challenge members only.
Did I mention there were prizes?
This challenge offers a whole slew of great crochet prizes, from luxury yarn to full crochet kits. Plus, you’ll be entered to win a prize just by signing up.
The pattern for the project is downloadable, so you can follow along and crochet at your own pace.
Plus, the video is step-by-step so every part is broken down easily.
Go faster or go slower. It doesn’t matter because you get lifetime access to the whole thing.
The Challenge is finished but you can still get this class here.
I can’t wait to see what you make 🙂
I’m looking forward to seeing you there.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. When I heard about this challenge I signed up and also became an affiliate. I’ve checked out the quality of the videos and teaching already available in the challenge portal and they are top notch. By signing up to this challenge through my affiliate links, you will be supporting my website at no extra cost to you. I only share affiliate programs that I feel are valuable and worthwhile to my readers.
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