Make a paper superhero with these amazing free printables from Gus Santome. Each one folds into a cute mini superhero and there are dozens available.
My boy is into paper and drawing at the moment. He just bought this very cool book about how to draw 3D images from Bookclub and he has been folding a lot of origami. I’m more than happy to encourage such crafty pursuits!
So when I came across these the printables to make a paper superhero, I knew he would love them. There is a whole website where the designer, Gus Santome, has shared dozens of these clever designs – all for free download.
Batman has a clever cape that is separate to his body, and Captain America has a separate shield. All three were a little tricky to fold but my 11-year-old could work it out. There are lots more characters on the website, including some Star Wars characters. Each one prints on a single A4 sheet of paper. You could also print them onto a sheet of A4 cardstock if you wanted them to be a little more sturdy.
Oh, and as shared over on Instagram, there was a little accident during the photo shoot for these guys. The backdrop – a large piece of white foam core board – may have tipped over and tried to crush everyone. Oops!
Find the free printables to make your own mini paper crafts heroes here:
Star Wars – R2D2, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader