Even on the days when I feel busy and slightly out of control, it is fun to stop and think of the things I know and how I can share them.

Even on the days when I feel busy and slightly out of control, it is fun to stop and think of the things I know and how I can share them. I’m still loving the #365thingsiknow hashtag prompt on Instagram and although there are not a lot of people still sharing on this tag, I’m hanging in there. Some of my things are random and some are definitely craft-related but they are all a reminder of where I’m at and how I know more than I give myself credit for.
Find me on Instagram here – and more of my things I know: instagram.com/CraftyMummy
Day 151

Taking photos of quilts and crochet blankets can be tricky. I recently picked up a couple of ladders to help when I didn’t have enough hands. Found them in the bathroom accessories section of Kmart.
Find a similar ladder on Amazon here.
Read about making a ripple crochet blanket here.
Day 152

I really need to do more exercise… which got me thinking… about sewing!
Check out my sewing archives here.
Day 153

This magnolia tree is still my favourite. It is in the yard of the house we lived in around 15 years ago before our kids were born. It had a windmill out the back and a 1950s pink toilet. There was a possum living in the chimney when we moved in and a grandfather clock in the hall. It has been fun to take the kids there recently and tell them the stories.
Perhaps I need some magnolia fabric? (via Etsy)
Day 154
A new Physie season means a new leotard and new hair bow for my girl’s first interclub of the year tomorrow. Plus a date with hair curlers and hairspray later tonight!
Learn how to make a ribbon hair bow here.
Day 155

The Treehouse books are a favourite here at Crafty HQ – thanks Booktopia Books for the latest But my brain REALLY wants them to be in rainbow order.
Find the latest Treehouse book here – perfect for tween boys
Day 156

Part of parenting is trying to teach my kids truths that will help them as they grow into adults. This quote from Albert Einstein is a perspective that helps them look for the opportunity rather than seeing a failure or an impossible task. I need to remind myself to look at life this way more too.
Day 157
There are some amazing freebies out there online. This very cute Batman is by Gus Santome and there are dozens more free PDFs to download and fold at his blog.
Read more about this paper superhero here.
Day 158

Somehow colour changes feel like more progress than just completing rows of my ripple blanket.
Read about the ripple blanket challenge here.
Day 159
Starting a new cross stitch project got me thinking about basics, especially which Aida is best. Read more #OntheBlog #LinkinBio Also find where you can get this cool pin-up girl cross stitch pattern.
Find out more about this stitching project here.
Day 160

Choosing thread for skin tone can be tricky so here are the four main colours used in my current project: DMC stranded threads (L-R) 3856, 402, 3778, 356 Hope that helps!

Things I Know: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 |

I left two replies, but not answered
Hi MJ Norris, You asked a question over on this post and the answer is over there too: http://thecraftymummy.com/2012/07/crochet-rainbow-blanket-tutorial/