Last week I gave away some gorgeous washi tape from Emma Lovepie on Etsy and showed you the notebooks and pencils I had decorated with it. Part of the entry to the giveaway was to share what you would make with the washi tape if you won, so today I want to share some of the ideas that were left as entries.
The winner was Mandy because I loved her idea of marking all the cords in her kitchen so that she would know which were which. This is such a quick craft idea but so helpful when you have many cords to switch around! Mandy also writes a blog called A Little Space Called Home. Congratulations!
Next up is Rebecca’s ideas – and there were lots of them! I’m very tempted to decorate my laptop now, Rebecca…
Jenny suggested that washi tape would be great as DIY picture frames on her walls. I agree. I wonder whether it would lift the paint? Does anyone know?
Carina mentioned making miniatures with washi tape if she one which made me immediately go and look at her blog for pictures of miniatures. Yes! I found some pictures! Amazing fast food restaurant miniatures – you have to go and look at them at Carina’s Crafts!
I think Briana must be a great mum with her idea to create a game for her son to play. My kids love things that I have made too.
Jenny made me laugh with her suggestion that she’d use the washi tape to frighten away all the boys in her house. I can just picture them running and screaming “No, Mum! Not the washi tape!”.
Do you have any more suggestions? What would you use washi tape for?
If you didn’t win but are inspired to try some washi tape projects, don’t forget to pop over to Emma Lovepie and indulge in some shopping.
Excellent ideas. I can see myself doing these.