Being the Grown-up is hard.
So often I would rather be the kid.
Then I’d be able to stomp and yell and cry, right?
Then it wouldn’t be my responsibility and I could just leave it for someone else to do, right?
Then I wouldn’t be the one who has to make the decisions, right?
Isn’t it strange that when we are kids we just want to grow up, but as adults we realise how easy we had it as kids?
Being the Grown-up in my house means being the one who has to stand firm even when a kid is yelling and crying and stomping around because they don’t agree with my decisions.
It means explaining that the choices we make don’t just affect ourselves but they affect the rest of our family – and the visitors that come into our home.
It means trying to step back and let my kids see the real consequences of their actions when I want to help them out.
I KNOW that they have to learn this stuff for themselves.
That one day they will have to be the Grown-up.
Even when I’d rather be crafting, I choose to be the Grown-up.
If the pictures have caught your eye, here’s where you can read about those projects:
There are moments when it hits me that being a child was so safe & secure because the responsibility was not mine.