Last week I noticed that there were all these gorgeous collages appearing on Instagram with users “Best 9” pictures of 2015. Some of them were just beautiful!
Naturally I had to work out how they were creating them and sure enough there was a website that would look at your Instagram and pick out the most ‘liked’ shots of the year then put them in a pretty collage ready to share.
Find the website here:
UPDATE: you can now create your 2016 Best Nine here:
Read more tips and tutorials about Instagram here.
I created my #2015bestnine – yes, this is the hashtag to use when you share so that other users on Instagram can find your best. I thought I’d share it over here too with more details about each of these pictures because I know sometimes these things spark a creative spirit and you want to know more about how to make one yourself.

Rainbow Heart Blanket & Yarn Splitting
This stack of almost finished crochet blanket projects is STILL sitting on my coffee table – one day I’ll finish them.
The Granny Square Crochet Blanket is finished now. The variegated blue grey yarn was so lovely to work with. Read more here.
Last year I joined in the Farmer’s Wife 1930s Sew Along with GnomeAngel. This quilt block was my first tutorial, the Jenny block. Read more here.
My crochet ripple blanket was actually from a few years ago but it is still lovely. Read more here.
One of the highlights of 2015 for me has been receiving the QuiltyBox. Every month a gorgeous collection of fabric and quilting supplies arrives, and I even curated a box for them in September – read more here.
This Rainbow Granny Blanket was the crochet project I took to the Problogger Event this year. The rainbow variegated yarn made it perfect for working on as I listened to the sessions without having to change yarns all the time. Read more here.
Finally some rainbow fabric. This collection of pictures makes it looks like I did a lot of crochet last year but in fact I did a lot of quilting and sewing as well. These rainbow spots were used in some flying geese blocks that haven’t made it to the blog yet so stay tuned for them when they are finished.
If you’re not on Instagram yet or you’re not following me over there, here’s my profile: