In the midst of finishing lots of crochet blankets lately, I felt the need to start a new one – Yes, I NEEDed to!
I’ve been itching to do another ripple blanket. I just love how they look and how soothing they are to work on. I really enjoy this pattern.
I made my first one back in 2011 in a bunch of rainbow colours and using the super easy to follow tutorial from Attic 24. I hadn’t done a lot of crochet at that point but this came together so well and was a great way to practice and get my tension right and my stitches even.

Then I made a second one with a whole collection of leftover yarn. I had some huge balls of cream that I received as a gift so that was my base colour. I added a mixture of blues, greens and browns that I had leftover from my first blanket.
Later I made another one for a baby gift in navy, red and grey. It is easy to reduce or increase the size of this blanket just by starting with a different length of chain. In this blanket, I used the same number of rows of each colour and changed them in the same order to create a very repetitive pattern that I didn’t need to think too hard about.

This time I’m using a lovely denim blue yarn that was calling to me each time I looked in my stash. I’m always drawn to blue and this denim shade is so classic. I’m going to team it with a really soft grey and a turquoise. All the yarns are 8ply although they’re not all the same brand. This is a risk I know but I’m keen to use up some of the yarn in my stash rather than buying more. It won’t be a huge blanket – probably lap blanket size – and I have a recipient in mind when it is finished. Shhh…