We’ve had school holidays here so I’ve been quiet online but even when I’m not on my computer much, I still check out Instagram and Facebook regularly. I’ve been continuing my Things I Know series slowly so here’s the next collection.
Find my Instagram account here if you’d like to follow along: http://instagram.com/CraftyMummy
Day 161

Spending a little time on Sunday getting ready for the week makes a huge difference at Crafty HQ. Things like prepping snacks for school lunches, folding and ironing clothes, checking the calendar for the week ahead, and listing jobs that need doing. Not always completely ‘content’ but better than when I do nothing!
If you’re curious how I make my quote posts, I use Canva. Find it here.
Day 162
This is the warmest blanket at Crafty HQ. Perfect for lying on the couch when you feel a bit under the weather.
Read all about this crochet blanket here including the link to the tutorial.
Day 163
If you cut your ribbon on an angle, it will fray less. A simple way to make it look better for longer!
Read more ribbon tips here and how to make a ribbon bow here.
Day 164
Getting a #QuiltyBox is like getting a birthday present! Love the giraffe pattern in this month’s box Thank you @quiltybox@gourmetquilter @hoffmanfabrics
Find out more about Quilty Boxes here.
Day 165
Do you forget which hook size you were using for a project when you put it aside for a while? I always do! So why have I never thought if this simple trick before?! Take a photo of the hook and the project. Easy!
Read more about my crochet hook tip here.
Day 166
This crochet blanket needed some interest so I’ve added some rows of granny type sets of three stitches. I was inspired by the Attic24 Cosy Stripe Blanket.
Read more about this crochet blanket here.
Day 167

New goals are a little scary for me – “what if I can’t do it?” says the little voice inside my head. But without goals I wander aimlessly so I know I need them. Sigh.
Day 168
You don’t need to have dozens of quilting tools to cut projects. You can often use the tools you already have if you know how. Here’s how to use a square ruler to cut triangles.
Read how to cut triangles with a square ruler here.
Day 169

I love finding new tags on Instagram. Today day I found #septemberstitches so this is a Day 2 pic – #favouritecrafts Check out @studiokoekoek for more info
Read more about this blanket here.
Day 170
Nearly time for the next ball of yarn. Also Day 3 | Materials for #septemberstitches | Yarn is Lincraft Cakes

Things I Know: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 |