It is time for another ‘Things I Know’ wrap.
My life seems full of questions right now so I guess it is encouraging to have some answers.
I just wish I answers to ALL my questions!
One day… maybe.
Meanwhile, if you’re on Instagram, all of these posts have appeared there first. Make sure you say HI if you’re over there. I’m @CraftyMummy.
Day 141
This plastic needle by DMC has been so much easier to use for weaving ends than the metal needle I was using. I think it is the larger eye that helps.
Find this needle on Amazon here.
Day 142

It is time to get organised for the week! I’m determined to include a sewing day.
Read my tips for having a sewing day.
Day 143
The bonus of multiple projects on the go at once is taking a break from one means there’s another to work on. Last night I worked on my Denim Ripple for a while instead of my C2C squares.
Read more about the ripple blanket challenge here.
Day 144
Having a dedicated workspace here at home really does help me get to work when it would be easy to be distracted by housework or crafting instead. I work at a standing desk -aka a bar table from IKEA! – most of the time, although today the patch of sunshine on the couch is pretty inviting – it is freezing cold here today!
See my standing desk setup here.
Day 145
One of the fun things about writing a crafty website is having guests visit and share their knowledge. Today Janine from Sarah Lauren is sharing a clever tutorial to make these military braid barrettes.
Read about how to make these barrettes here.
Day 146

We have a Saturday at home today – the perfect chance to catch up chores and homework, and just chill after a busy week. It is important to give my kids downtime rather than being busy all the time.
Check out some of our favourite board games here.
Day 147
It feels good to finish a long-term project {cough, neglected UFO, cough} This Not Too Girly blanket has been languishing in my craft room since 2013.
Read more about this blanket project here.
Day 148
Yay! Last two C2C squares finished. This 30-day challenge has really been a 60-day challenge for me! and that’s ok
Read more about this challenge here.
Day 149
Geometrics never go out of style. My C2C squares are done so now I have to join them.
Day 150

I’ve decided to stop at 9 snails and make a mini quilt. Today I added some 2.5″ sashing.
Read more about snail day here.

Things I Know: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 |